czwartek, 8 lipca 2010

Been a while

Lately I was deliberately not writing a word. I was focused on my CFI license. I have finished my flying part of training and was almost ready to receive a sign-up from Ken. The very last thing left was progress-check-ride with Chris. In my imagination this guy was like a gate-keeper to my license :) If I can pass his requirement I can pass everything. It was pretty slow to set all appointments due to his full time job not related to aviation. It took us 4 days to meet just for theoretical quizzing...I was prepared quite good, but he'd found some gaps in my knowledge (which I appreciate) and had a chance to revise all the part 61. It wasn't like totally blank page in my memory but it was not enough to pass in front of FAA inspector... So he gave me some clues how to study, what to study and so on. Actually on the next day I knew everything I had to know, than we had the FLIGHT!

I knew that my flying is good, but didn't know how it will go with instructing part of flying which is the hardest one... As I mentioned it few post earlier it's quite tough to talk myself through maneuvers and making them perfect. Aviation is all about having a lot of RAM memory. Each step is really easy and it's not a big deal to do it, but when you have to pay attention to altitude, attitude, speed, check-list, talking with tower, correction for the wind, and explanation how flaps affect your aerodynamic flow makes it harder than just flying straight and forward.

So I made my first mistake on the engine failure...ahhh I was few seconds too late and not in charge enough to please Chris. Instead taking correct course of action I was contemplating what's going on with the airplane...That was my first major mistake, which in a matter of fact destroyed my confidence...Before that I was doing good. My flying/explaining ratio was on the high level, and after engine failure I was focusing too much on being scrupulous and not on explaining how to fly and what to do. That messed my remaining chances to "pass" this test. It was pretty bumpy on the approach. I had to use a bit of crab and more power than usual. First approach was going smooth and half mile from the touchdown zone the wind pinned me down so much that form perfect flight path I finished way below I wanted to be. Reaction was simple: Go-Around! Full power, carburetor off, flaps up, while flaps were retracted I gained positive rate of climb so could retract gear. My next approach was much better. I decided not use full flaps. Just second notch was enough, a little extra speed in case of gusting. Landed perfectly, later I had single engine landing. He cut my right engine so I had to pre-plan my traffic pattern. I had to make left loop to gain more space for 20degree bank and not as usual 30degree. I planned it pretty well. Dropped gear in the point where I was sure I'll make the runway (abeam numbers), on base I applied first notch of flaps. On short final second notch of flaps when I was completely sure that I have runway short. Landing was nice, not the best but ok. That was a full stop, taxied using "E" Taxiway and stopped just behind RWY/TWY line to go through "after landing check-list".

As I told you, I was focused too much on being perfect on the controls that there was not enough RAM memory for explaining.

The other day I had another flight with Trevor. It went waaay much better. I'll write about it tomorrow.

btw. Today I just realized that the Flight International Academy where I'm flying is going to be one of the biggest schools in the state! :p pretty fun :) It will be Part 141 accredited which basically means that US war veterans can be trained over here and can be sponsored by government  :) So it will be very busy :) And the same is with the approach to the student. I had Ken as an instructor. He is the best instructor I had. His lesson plans, whole course syllabus, and preparation was awesome. Much better than Herb. He was following good working pattern. Take as example progress check flights with other instructors. It gave me A LOT to fly with Chris. I could find my weak points and make sure they are covered for next flight.

Here's the link to the website: go and check it out.

cheers fellow pilots :)

p.s. please excuse me my mistakes but this is first post in English but I want to continue it for my own benefit :)

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